Cathy and Jonas Donate a medical glass/spectacle to Emmanuela
Emmanuella now 12years, have been suffering from long sightedness, an eye condition medically termed hyperopia. Since the age of 6years, she noticed difficulty seeing nearby objects or closer objects were usually out of focus. She rubs her eyes frequently, which makes it appear reddish. Often, she experienced severe headache and will have some liquid discharge from her eyes. At school she finds it different to read and study. This sad situation has really affected her school performance greatly. She is a brilliant student by all standards , as it manifest in her drawing and painting ability. Emmanuella is very attentive and will often answer questions perfectly.

On the 25th of February 2019, Monday, a medical glass/spectacle was presented to Emmanuela by Cathy and Jonas our volunteers from Germany. This gesture indeed brings great joy to Emmanuella, her mother and Abofra Foundation. The good news is she can now read, study and hopefully will write exams with no strains. The woman in the photo is her mother beaming with smiles.
Thank you Cathy and Jonas for the donation and also for being part of a good cause. #hyperopia#longsightedness#changemakers#erasmus#abofrafoundation